An electric car from Swedish mines – why?

Metals and mineral set the pace in the transformation to a fossil free society. No mines, no electric cars. And no solar cells, wind turbines or railroad tracks either. We need larger volumes and more types of metals and mineral. An electric car, for example, requires twice the amount of copper compared to a petrol-powered car. Anders Lindberg, Group Media Relations Manager at LKAB, tells you more about why the electric car of the future should be extracted right here.

Read more about metals and mineral here

Why should we have mines in Sweden?

In Sweden we have a long tradition of extracting and refining metals and mineral. Today we have the most sustainable mining industry in the world – regarding environmental concern and exhausts as well as working conditions. And, we have an industry that works hard towards becoming entirely fossil free. Green copper is already a reality and fossil free steel is due to be on the market in 2026. Here Anders tells you more about why more mines in Sweden do good for the whole world.

Read more about sustainability here

Where do we find metals and mineral?

Our country is rich in metals and mineral. We could extract even more than what we currently do. That is larger volumes of what we already extract, and more types of the metals and mineral critical to a sustainable and modern life. For example rare earth metals, graphite, and vanadium which are all necessary when making electric cars. Have a look here, and you will know more.

Click on an element to find out more


From iron we can make steel, which is a real community builder. We use it almost everywhere: in bridges, roads, walls, floors, roofs, trains, and cars, not to mention the machines and tools that in turn are used to make other products.

Iron is the main ingredient in steel, the most-used metallic raw material in all the world. Steel is used more than 20 times as much as all other metals combined. Sweden accounts for about 93 percent of all the iron ore produced in Europe today, and iron ore is extracted from five different Swedish mines. It’s no wonder that iron is so appreciated and so commonly used, since it is so durable and so strong under pressure.


Copper is used to conduct heat and electricity, and in many ways it links our world together. Copper also kills bacteria on contact, and it can be used for things like door handles. You can find copper in the electronics inside your computer, your mobile phone, and your TV. If we alloy copper with zinc, we get the brass used in musical instruments (like wind instruments), interior design elements (like pans and candlesticks), and even Sweden’s ten-crown coin. When we alloy copper with tin, we get bronze, a material used in things like the strings on string instruments, sculptures, and propellers.

Copper is the world’s third-most used metal, after only iron and aluminum. In Sweden, copper is extracted at seven mines and accounts for 10 percent of the total production in Europe.


Zinc is something that is close to all of us. Did you know that there is zinc in all of our cells, but especially in our eyes, skin, hair, nails, liver, and kidneys? Zinc is important to the growth of our nails and hair and the healing of wounds, as in the case of zinc cream used on cold sores. Zinc’s antioxidant properties have many advantages, so it’s used in sunscreen, for example, as well as other medicinal skin creams and cosmetics. You can even find zinc in toothpaste and mouthwash, since it inhibits bad breath. A completely different area of application for zinc is as a negative pole in batteries. It is also common in surface treatments, thanks to antioxidant properties that protect against rust and corrosion. Remember this one? Zinc + copper = brass.

Zinc is extracted from three Swedish mines, and Sweden accounts for about 34 percent of Europe’s total zinc production.


Lead is important in the healthcare industry, where it’s used in protective equipment, since it protects from the ionizing radiation used in taking x-rays. The metal is also an important component in larger batteries, such as automotive batteries and back-up power plants. Because lead offers effective and lasting moisture protection, it’s used in wiring and conduits, especially underground or under water.

Lead is extracted from five Swedish mines, and Sweden accounts for approximately 32 percent of Europe’s total lead production.


Vanadium is a rare metallic element that is used primarily in alloys with other metals. But vanadium can also be used in so-called “flow batteries.” These are large, stationary, rechargeable batteries with long life, high capacity, and rapid response time. That means they can contribute to the energy sources of the future, because flow batteries are ideally suited to storing energy from sources like wind power plants.

Vanadium is found in Sweden’s bedrock, but it is not yet being mined here.


Tellurium occurs in the earth’s crust in only small amounts and is not among the better-known elements. But that doesn’t mean it’s not important. Tellurium is an important component in the transition to fossil-free electrical power production, and it’s used as a semiconductor in the manufacture of solar panels. Tellurium can also be found in alloys together with other metals, since it makes stainless steel and copper easier to work, for example.

Tellurium is only extracted from one mine in Sweden today.


You have surely heard of lithium. It is an element that belongs to the category of alkali metals. Lithium is used primarily in lithium batteries, which are found in electric cars and other vehicles that run on electricity. In other words, lithium is very important to the future of a climate-smart society. Lithium is also used in the manufacturing of special glass for things like telescopes and in alloys for making lightweight and durable construction materials.

Lithium is not being mined in Sweden today, but it does exist in our bedrock.


Nickel is a metallic element and is used in the production of rechargeable batteries with long lifespans. It has long been used in making jewelry as well. More the 60 percent of all the nickel produced in the world is used in the manufacture of stainless steel, but it’s also used in catalytic converters, coins, magnets, and surface treatments.

Nickel used to be mined in Sweden, but not today. However, there is some prospecting now to find new sources of nickel here.









Developed in cooperation with students from Umeå University

The concept car Mine is the result of a cooperation between Den Svenska Gruvan, the car designer Michael Hallgren and students from Umeå University. During the course of the project several ideas about the looks and functionality of the electric car of the future were bounced around. From designing air-free tires to roof-mounted solar cells, follow the development journey here.

Book your test drive here!

Mine is a vision but could very well be reality no later than 2035 – if it is possible to open the mines required for the future. Book a date for your test drive here and we will get in touch when we get closer to the date!

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1. Personuppgiftshantering
1.1. Svenska Gruvan kommer att samla in och behandla följande personuppgifter om de som anmäler
sig till en provkörning 2035: Namn, adress, telefonnummer och personnummer.1.2. Svenska Gruvan kommer att behandla Deltagandes personuppgifter för ändamålet att kunna
skicka ett svar på anmälan till provkörning 2035.1.3. Personuppgifterna kommer att bevaras så länge det är nödvändigt för att uppfylla ändamålet
med att skicka svar till Deltagandes kring provkörningen 2035.1.4. Svenska Gruvan är personuppgiftsansvarig för behandlingen av Deltagarens personuppgifter.1.5. Svenska Gruvan kommer enbart att samla in och behandla personuppgifter i enlighet med
dataskyddsförordningen (EU 2016/679).1.6. Deltagaren kan kontakta Svenska Gruvan om deltagaren har frågor angående

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